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Recent Newsletters

Why Companies Like Ford (NYSE: F) and Toyota (NYSE: TM) Take Advantage of Robotic Manufacturing
April 18, 2024

Manufacturing robots are highly important, and there’s a lot of development in this space, with many different companies seeking to capitalize on the robotics MegaTrend.

The Booming Sector Where CAT and OSK Are Cooler than GOOG or AAPL
April 11, 2024

While there’s a lot of talk about autonomous vehicles (AVs) for the consumer and commercial markets, the fact is, most of these technologies start in the defense sector.

TSLA and AMZN Are Already Deep into This Massive MegaTrend
April 4, 2024

While robots as a concept have been known for decades, the robotics field has seen major change in recent years, as companies are investing heavily into humanoid robots.

LMT, LHX, and NOC Are Just the Beginning of Space ISR Winners
March 28, 2024

Space Race 2.0 is no longer about getting to space. It’s about how to maximize it for respective countries and business interests.

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